In line with the directions issued by the Ministry of Health, on 26 March waste collection service dedicated specifically for COVID-19 positive residents can be disposed of as normal. Therefore, no reporting shall be required for the Municipality of Ragusa's Environment Office (ISS).
So how should you manage your trash and recycling for periods of quarantine?
As always, what can and cannot be recycled where you live or work will depend on the rules our city have put in place, but it is important to refer to the following ISS detailed guidelines:
- As precaution double layered bags (using 2 bags) should be used for collection of waste from COVID-19 isolation wards so as to ensure adequate strength and no-leaks;
- Keep your biomedical waste separately (paper tissues, masks, gloves, rapid antigen test kits used by an ill person) in a bag and dispose them in a trash bin;
- The waste bags should be closed without crushed them;
- Make sure it does not leak and is kept in separate bins out of reach of other members of the family and pets;
- Place pointed objects into a cardboard or other hard-sided container before placing in the trash;